Triple Marker Test In Pregnancy: Purpose, Procedure, Normal Range, Results, Price 2024

Triple Marker Test In Pregnancy: Purpose, Procedure, Normal Range, Results, Price 2024

Triple Marker Test In Pregnancy Second Trimester: During pregnancy, one should take responsibility for the health of the growing baby and the mother's well-being. To ensure that, healthcare providers recommend various levels of pregnancy tests and screenings.

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The Triple Screen Test is an essential prenatal blood screening test that uncovers the danger of genetic abnormalities in the fetus. Mainly, the triple test for Down syndrome helps pregnant women to cure the genetic issues earlier. 

Also, this 2nd-trimester pregnancy screening test has various names ie., Triple Screen Test, Multiple Marker Test, and Multiple Marker Screening which is used to assist physicians in understanding your pregnancy.

Through this ultimate guide on the Triple Marker Screen Pregnancy Test, we will explore What is triple marker test in pregnancy, what does triple screening test is for, the Purpose, Procedure, Risks, Results, the Double Marker Test Vs Triple Marker Test, and some common questions.

What Is Triple Marker Screening Test?

A Triple marker test is performed using a blood sample of pregnant women in their second-trimester pregnancy phase. It will be a tough diagnostic test compared to a double test.

This test helps evaluate the three components of the blood: Alpha-Fetoprotein (AFP), Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), and Estriol.

Test involved in triple marker

Here are the three significant Triple Markers in Pregnancy:

Alpha-Fetoprotein (AFP): A protein produced in the developing baby's liver, high levels might indicate a birth defect.

Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG): Made by the placenta, it helps notice chromosomal problems when combined with other tests.

Estriol: Measures baby and placenta estrogen levels; low levels with other tests could signal abnormal pregnancy.

Mainly, it shows possible genetic abnormalities in the baby such as Down’s syndrome, trisomy 18, or neural defects. Later, your doctor reviews the report and suggests what & how to proceed for the baby’s smooth growth in the future.

Triple marker screening means reporting the baby's abnormalities and some other factors like pregnant women’s age, weight, ethnicity, pre-existing diseases, type of pregnancy (multiple, twins), etc.

Do get some awareness of the Quad Screen Test in Pregnancy

Why Triple Test Should Be Done? | Purpose of Triple Marker Test In Pregnancy

As we discussed above, it deals with the identification of genetic issues in the developing child, as follows:

  • Edwards syndrome (Trisomy 18) - Causes an Extra chromosome 18
  • Down’s syndrome - Caused by an extra copy of chromosome 21
  • Open Neural tube defects - Happens when the spinal cord or brain fails to develop properly
  • Trisomy 13 (Patau syndrome) - Extra chromosome 13

However, depending on the maternal blood markers the test evaluates whether the fetus falls into a low or high-risk zone for the above chromosomal problems.

Purpose For Triple Marker Test

Apart from the above conflicts, people who find genetic disorders in their family history should consider taking the triple test in pregnancy. It even helps parents-to-be couples to make a serious decision regarding the pregnancy.

Getting a positive result could lead to more tests to dig deeper, while a negative result brings relief and helps ease worries about any conceivable concerns.

Who Are Eligible To Take 2nd-Trimester Triple Screen Test?

This useful triple marker test is suggested for pregnant women that match the following criteria:

  • Women should reach the age of 35 years and more.
  • Having any genetic defects in their family earlier.
  • Being exposed to radiation.
  • Suffering from diabetes and other severe prenatal viral infections.
  • Being on medication with significant side effects.

How Is Triple Screening Test Done? | What Happens During the Triple Marker Test?

The triple marker pregnancy test procedure is comfortable for both the baby and mother-to-be. The simple steps below will give a tour of how the test performed:

Step 1: To locate the vein, the technician will ask you to extend your arm and make a fist, your arm will be secured with a tight strap.

Step 2: The technician will then use an antibacterial and antiseptic wipe to cleanse the area thoroughly, ensuring no pathogens can enter your body.

Step 3: A pre-sterilized needle will be inserted and connected to a vial for blood storage.

Step 4: Once the vial is full, the technician will remove it and cleanse it with another antiseptic swab.

Step 5: The collected blood sample will then be sent to a lab for evaluation by a biochemist.

Triple Marker Test Result Interpretation

The triple test result is estimated on a statistical basis. Often needs the last mensural period date, body weight, USG report, fetus details, bad habits, and history of children with any genetic disorder information during the test.

Data needed during triple screening

The report of the triple screen test generates a statistical risk assessment of a pregnancy influenced by Down syndrome. Subsequently, this risk can be categorized as either high or low. In instances of high-risk pregnancies, it may be recommended to undergo diagnostic procedures such as chorionic villus sampling and amniocentesis.

What Is the Triple Marker Test Normal Range?

To know what is the normal range of the triple marker test read here. The results of triple tests are analyzed based on the levels of AFP, HCG, and Estriol. Your doctor provides the triple marker test interpretation using the normal values of the estimated three levels.

These results are compared to a set of standard data that takes into account different factors like region, culture, ethnicity, and pregnancy-related factors. A ratio is then calculated to assess the likelihood of the current pregnancy having a genetic abnormality.

There are specific cutoff ratios that indicate the presence of genetic abnormalities. To know the report triple marker test normal values check the table below:

Disorder Cut-Off Detection Rate in % False Positive Rate in %
Trisomy 21 (Down) 1:250 65 5
Trisomy 18 1:100 60 0.3
Neural tube defects >=2.5 MoM 70-75 2-4

The average levels of triple screen tests in pregnant women ranged from 1.38 to 187.00 IU/ml for AFP, 1.06 to 315 ng/ml for hCGβ, and from 0.25 to 28.5 nmol/l for uE3.

Triple Marker Test Report Images

The Triple Marker Test results can be positive or negative based on normal values. A positive outcome means a higher likelihood of chromosomal abnormalities in the baby, while a negative consequence implies a low or no risk of congenital disabilities.

It's essential to note that a positive result does not always mean a birth defect and a negative result does not guarantee the absence of pregnancy risks. Based on the triple test results and other factors like medical history and age, doctors will suggest additional tests for a more accurate diagnosis.

Before that, you can even have some examples of triple marker test report images below:

Difference Between Double Marker Test and Triple Marker Test

The common point in both tests is identifying the risk of genetic or chromosomal abnormalities in the developing fetus. However, the major difference between double marker vs triple marker tests is tabulated below:

Test Name What Time Components Tested Accuracy Level
Double Marker 10-13th Week Beta HCG & PAPP-A 75-85%
Triple Marker 15-20th Week AFP, HCG & Estriol 60-70%

FAQs On Second Trimester Screening Triple Marker Pregnancy Test

1. What is the Triple Marker Test Price?

The actual cost of the triple-screen test is not specifically revealed as it depends on various factors such as country, lab availability, and insurance.

2. When to do the triple marker test?

The answer to the Triple marker test in which week can be done is between the 15 to 20th weeks of pregnancy second-trimester.

3. What negative triple test result indicate?

The triple marker test negative means AFP, hCG, and estradiol levels within the normal range indicate a lower risk for genetic abnormalities. Despite that, a healthy baby is not insured.

4. What does the positive triple screen test indicate?

Positive Triple Screen Test

The triple marker test results positive means a raised risk of chromosomal or genetic abnormalities (and neural tube defects) in the child's development.

5. What are the Uses of the Triple Marker Screening Test?

Pregnancy tests like double or triple screens enable doctors and parents to stay aware of and make learned decisions about prenatal care. Here are some of the considerations important when discussing prenatal diagnostic testing:

  • Assessing the need for additional prenatal diagnostic testing.
  • Preparing parents for the possibility of a high-risk pregnancy and delivery.
  • Determining medical care and intervention during pregnancy.
  • Providing emotional support and arranging resources for parents expecting a child with special needs.

6. What is a triple h test in pregnancy?

A triple h test in pregnancy is a blood screening test that helps you identify the infections caused by the most dangerous viruses called Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), Hepatitis B Virus (HBV), and Hepatitis C Virus (HCV). The other name of this test is the Triple H (HIV, HBV, HCV) test. 

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