
3 Sleep Problems In Children That Call For Special Education

June 6, 2024

If there’s one thing that most parents would bond over, it’s the trouble they’ve had with their toddlers’ sleep patterns. And, if your child has a few sleep issues, it’s worth knowing that most toddlers outgrow any sleep problems they have. However, if y…

Signs And Symptoms Of Dehydration In Infants And Toddlers

June 6, 2024

Worrying is second nature to us parents, more so for us first-time parents. We vivaciously read information, talk to parent-friends, ask our own parents, and do all that we can to know if our babies are growing healthy and normal. A tiny scratch on our l…

Top 7 Ways To Get Your Kids To Eat Better

May 30, 2024

‘A healthy, home-cooked meal is a must for kids’ – your family and friends may have reiterated this statement. Well, you know it is tough. Making your kids eat a proper meal at least once a day is a daunting task. They will give you all the reasons in th…

How Paleo Promotes Gut Health And Prevents Food Allergies In Kids

May 30, 2024

In America, food allergies affect 4 to 6 percent of children. Genetics play a role, but that’s only half the story. Research points to a surprising link: poor gut health. After all, a healthy gut equals a healthy immune system, the part of the body that …

Peanut Allergy In Kids: Early Exposure Can Prevent It

May 30, 2024

Recently pediatricians and dieticians have started to encourage parents to include peanuts in their children’s diet right from infancy. This has created quite an uproar as it’s a stark opposite of the former practice of not giving peanuts until a child t…

5 Top Newborn Problems And Know How to Deal Them

May 29, 2024

Every mom is worried about their baby’s well being, especially during the first few days after childbirth. Even a slight change seen in their babies disturb them. Well, it is quite normal. However, knowing about common problems in newborns might help you…

5 Cold-Fighting Liquids That Help Your Kid Recover Faster

May 29, 2024

A fair amount of temperature with a runny nose is a common sign of fever in a child. However, although your child will be in visible distress, it’s her body fighting against the microbes to ward off infection. This is the time you should ensure that your…

Insomnia: Causes And Easy Treatment Options

May 28, 2024

Have you ever suffered from insomnia? Faced difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep? Does this make you feel tired, overwhelmed, and stressed? If you do, you are one of the millions of people around the world who suffer from insomnia, with as many as…

9 Signs Of Stress In Children And How To Help Them

May 28, 2024

If your child is suddenly behaving oddly, throwing tantrums, or experiencing meltdowns, do not dismiss this as a phase of bad behavior. Do not be quick to discipline them either. These are typical signs that your child is under stress. While we associate…

10 Home Remedies To Tackle Colic And Soothe Your Baby

May 28, 2024

A baby who cries for hours on end practically every evening can wear any parent down. But if you’re struggling with a colicky baby, know that you’re not alone. Up to 40% of babies are estimated to have colic, a condition that is characterized by high-pit…

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