Quad Screen Test in Pregnancy: What, When, How To Do this Quad Screen, Results, Risks, Alternatives & More

Quad Screen Test in Pregnancy: What, When, How To Do this Quad Screen, Results, Risks, Alternatives & More

Important Tests during pregnancy help check the baby's growth and health, as well as the mother's well-being.

Quad Screen Test: Congratulations, mama, you have done a great job till the first trimester!! As you enter into this second trimester, you need to be more careful with the baby inside your womb and there will be an increase in tests too!

We will look at the Quad screen test, a prenatal test that will be done during the second trimester to know that there is a risk of having genetic disorders.

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To look into the tests completely like what this test is all about, when & for whom this will be done, the procedure of the test, what the results mean, and many more!!

What is the Quad Screen Test? | Why It is Called Quad Screen?

The Quad Screen Test is the prenatal test that is going to be done in the second trimester which is between 15 to 22 weeks.

This is a maternal blood screening test that will be done to discover the risk of the child's birth defects. It is very similar to the Triple Marker Test.

If you see the name of the test, it is quad which means four. During the blood test, the four types of substance levels will be measured. The four substances will be, AFP (Alpha-fetoprotein), HCG ( Human Chorionic Gonadotropin), Estriol, and Inhibin-A.

Also with this test, you can be able to say if there is an increased risk of Down Syndrome, Edwards Syndrome, abdominal wall defects, and neural tube defects.

When This Quad Screen Test Will be Performed?

Quad Screen Test we can also call as Quad Marker test. Some healthcare providers may suggest this test to all pregnant women, but it is only needed for women with some risks in their pregnancy.
And this test is completely optional, you and your partner can decide whether to do it or not. Mostly this test will be suggested for:

  • Women who had crossed 35 years of age.
  • If you have a family history of birth defects.
  • If you already have a child with some abnormalities or defects.
  • Having a viral infection during pregnancy.
  • Whether the pregnant woman is diagnosed with type 1 diabetes.
  • They have been exposed to the high radiation level.


What are the Four Substances That Quad Screen Measure?

As we have seen above, the quad screen measures four types of substances in the blood. Look at those substances that will be measured in blood in detail.

With the amount of these substances in the blood your healthcare provider may tell you about the risk of disorders.

  • Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP): This is a type of protein that is made by the developing baby in the liver and other organs. The high level of this AFP means that the developing baby has neural tube defects which is spina bifida.
  • Human Chorionic Gonadotropin: HCG is the type of hormone that is produced by the placenta and the abnormal results of HCG may indicate that the developing baby has trisomy 18.
  • Unconjugated Estriol (UE): This is a hormone that will be produced by the baby's liver and placenta during the pregnancy. Also like HCG, abnormal levels of Estriol will lead to trisomy 18 which is Edwards Syndrome.
  • Inhibin - A: It is the hormone that is produced by the placenta, with the help of your ovaries. If the levels of Inhibin A are higher than expected, then there is an increased risk of Down syndrome.

What are the Four Substances That Quad Screen Measure

How is Quadruple Screen Test Performed?

A Quad Screen test is a normal test that will be done like a blood test. A phlebotomist will draw the best from the vein. It will just have very minute pain which usually we can say it as bearable and painless.

The test usually takes just 5 to 10 minutes and once the blood is taken from your vein that blood will be sent to the laboratory.

Quad Screen Test Results: Normal & Abnormal

After completion of the test, it takes four to five days for the result. But the time depends on the lab reporter that you have given.

And once after we get the results, there will be normal or abnormal results. If the result for the pregnant woman comes normal for a quad screen, then there is a low risk of genetic disorders or abnormalities. Remember that you will have low risk but not no risk.

If the result is given as abnormal then it means there is a high risk of genetic disorders where your health care provider will suggest you to teh other tests which will be an ultrasound or Amniocentesis.

Remember that this Quad screen test cannot detect any abnormalities in the fetus but it can only tell you the risk of the baby.

Also Check: Second Trimester Screening

Quad Screen Test Vs NIPT

When you look at the difference between quad screen tests and Non non-invasive prenatal testing, there is a lot more difference.

Quad Screen Test

Non Invasive Prenatal Testing(


Quad Screen test will be done at 15-20 weeks of pregnancy which is a blood test. NIPT Test is also a blood test that will be done at 10 weeks of Pregnancy
It will tell you the risk of congestive abnormalities. It will tell you the risk of congestive abnormalities in the fetus.
Also, tells you the levels of hormones like AFP, HCG, UE, and Inhibin-A. But it will not tell you.

What are the Other Tests To Be Done If The Result is Positive?

After checking the results of the quad screen test, the positive result means that there is some risk of cognitive abnormalities, and if you need to get clarity, you need to go other tests like Amniocentesis, CVS (Chorionic Villus Sampling), Prenatal cell-free DNA Screening.

Prenatal Cell-free Screening is the blood test that examines the DNA coming from the placenta, and Amniocentesis will be done by taking the amniotic fluid. The CVS will be tested by taking the sample tissue from the placenta.

You can also check the complete information about these tests.


FAQs on Quadruple Screen Tests in Pregnancy

1. Is Quad Screen Test Safe?

Yes, this Quad Marker test is safe and painless and also it is an important test for the woman who has the chance of abnormalities. Also, it is a very useful test to find out genetic diseases.

2. What are the factors that might influence the Quad screen test?

If you get the result normal in the Quad screen test, it might or might not be correct as some factors play a crucial role.

One is the period of the pregnancy, your weight, not carrying twins, the number of pregnancies, and the types of blood tests all these should not affect the quad screen test for the correct results.

3. What are the birth defects that will be detected by Quad screening?

The birth defects that will be detected by quad screening will be Neural Tube Defects, Trisomy 18, Abdominal Wall Defects, and Down Syndrome (trisomy 21).

4. What are the risks that are associated with Quad screen test?

As the Quad screen test is the blood test that will be taken from the vein, there will not be any risks associated with the test.


Carrying a baby for 9 months is not a small thing for a woman. There will be several risks that need to be faced during the pregnancy period.

If you want to know the defects of the fetus with the problems that you have, then this Quad Screen Test will be helpful for you. But it is completely optional.

Even after this, if still you have confusion and need clarity about the results, you can just feel free to ask your midwife or doctor. For more other test information, check out the Tests During Pregnancy page on our website.

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