Alpha Feto Protein Test (AFP) In Pregnancy

Alpha Feto Protein Test (AFP) In Pregnancy

Important Tests during pregnancy help check the baby's growth and health, as well as the mother's well-being.

Alpha-Fetoprotein in Pregnancy: When you are a pregnant woman, you might have heard of many tests that you need to take place. Most of them might be Ultrasound as usually everyone knows it.

Some blood tests will be done in routine checkups, but there is an AFP in Pregnancy that will be done to check the abnormalities of the developing baby. Even though this test will be done on adults to diagnose the types of cancers, in pregnant women it is checked without fail as there is a high risk.

Learn About: Group B Streptococcus Test in Pregnancy 

If you are pregnant for the first time, you should know about this completely What is it, How will they do it, when & for whom it is needed. Just check it out below!!!

What is an Alpha Fetoprotein Screening Test

Alpha-fetoprotein is a type of protein that will be released by the fetus in the liver. And this is the most abundant plasma protein. The prenatal test will be tested by taking the blood to check the range of AFP, as it says the risk of the developing baby in the womb.

If any pregnant woman, carrying a baby with some neural tube defects then we can say that they have high levels of AFP. This AFP blood test we also call it as Maternal Serum AFP (MSAFP).

When you make a quad screen test in pregnancy, AFP will also be tested in it.

What is an Alpha Fetoprotein Screening Test

When & Whom This AFP Screening Test is Needed

Normally, any type of screening test will be done to check whether the unborn baby has any chance of childbirth defects or abnormalities.

And even this Alpha-fetoprotein is also done for the same to check the disorders or abnormalities of teh fetus. And this AFP will be done to the people including:

  • Who has conceived after 35 or older.
  • If you have any family history of birth defects.
  • For those Who had diabetics during pregnancy
  • Even using harmful drugs may also lead to the risk of these abnormalities.

What Type of Defects Can Be Diagnosed in AFP Test

As this fluid is made by the fetus in the mother's womb it will be found in the amniotic fluid that will be surrounding the baby. And some types of defects can be recognized by taking the AFP in pregnancy. Some of them are given below.

  • Defects in the abdominal wall of the baby.
  • Down Syndrome
  • Chromosomal Abnormalities
  • If you are having twins during pregnancy
  • Open neural tube defects
  • Incorrect due dates.

How is this Alpha Fetoprotein Test Performed

When it comes to knowing about the procedure of the Alpha-fetoprotein test, this will done as usual like a normal blood test.

During this blood test, only the health provider will tie your hand tightly and check for the vein in the elbow. And then they insert the needle into the vein and draw some blood from the vein.

Then they remove the needle once after the blood was taken that is needed for the test, they put the cotton on it.

What Does this Alpha Fetoprotein Test Results Mean

Once after taking the blood for this AFP test is, the blood was sent to the laboratory where this test will be done and it will take 1 to 2 weeks to release the results it is completely based on the lab in which you have sent your blood.

And when it comes to results, there will be high and low levels of AFP. In this test, if the result says that you had high levels of AFP then you may have neural tube defects like spina bifida or anencephaly.

But if the result says that you have low AFP in pregnancy, along with abnormal levels of inhibin A, hcg, and estriol, then you may have trisomy 21 for the fetus.

Even if you have given an incorrect date also there are low levels of alpha-fetoprotein in pregnancy. When you have multiple pregnancies then also you will get abnormal levels in the AFP test.

What Does this Alpha Fetoprotein Test Results Mean

Risks of This AFP Screening Test

As you have seen in the procedure of the test, there will not be any risks other than the risks that you have for a normal blood test. Even if you go for the normal blood test, there will be some soreness, bruising, and redness where the needle is inserted.

Just taking some rest will be good for you.

FAQs on Alpha Fetoprotein Screening

1. What are the benefits of this AFP test?

As a pregnant woman, by taking this AFP test, you will be able to know the abnormalities or birth defects at the starting stage itself.

2. How much time does it take for this AFP test?

As the AFP test is a type of blood test it just takes 5-10 minutes and it will be done between 15 to 20 weeks.

3. How Should I prepare for this AFP Test?

As this is a blood test there is no need for preparation before the test. Just wear a dress that will be free and short hands. Also drinking more water will help you not get dehydrated and blood will be drawn quickly and smoothly.

4. Is AFP the only test that we need to know about abnormalities?

To know the abnormalities at the starting stage, your doctor will suggest this test but it cannot be given with confirmation. But there are also other tests, to know about genetic disorders like the Triple Marker screen test, Chorionic Villus Sampling, and more.


Taking this Alpha Feto Protein Screening is completely upto you even though your doctor suggests this test. As we have given complete information about this test, look at the risks and procedure and then go for it.

Every pregnancy is different for the woman who is pregnant even though she is a mother of one child. Take care and learn about other tests at the Tests During Pregnancy page

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