5 Weeks Pregnant: Are you in week 5 of pregnancy? Congratulations on entering into motherhood. During pregnancy, there will be many changes that are rapidly growing especially at week 5, when there will be many new beginnings going to unfold.
Check On: Pregnancy Week By Week
This article will show the changes that took place in the last 7 days. Also after missing a period, even though you are pregnant, sometimes your pregnancy test will be negative due to some low hcg levels, but at week 5 of pregnancy, tests will be positive as you will get the correct hcg that you need.
Now you have successfully entered into month 2 of pregnancy. Dont skip the article to check the complete update on 5 weeks pregnancy symptoms, baby development, tips, tricks, and many more.
- What Happens in Week 5 of Pregnancy (First Trimester): Baby Development
- 5 Weeks Pregnant Symptoms: What to Expect Week 5 of Pregnancy
- Tests During Pregnancy: Week 5 Pregnancy Ultrasound & Pregnancy Test
- Expert Recommended Advice for 5 Weeks Pregnancy
- To-Do Checklist for 5 Weeks Pregnant Woman
- Is 5 weeks pregnant too early to test?
- What is week 5 of pregnancy?
- Can you be 5 weeks pregnant with no symptoms?
- If I’m 5 weeks pregnant when is my due date?
- What is a 5-week pregnancy baby size?
What Happens in Week 5 of Pregnancy (First Trimester): Baby Development
If you are 5 weeks pregnant then you are at month 2 in pregnancy which means at present, the embryo will change into a fetus and the size of your baby will be 2mm or 0.5 inches.
Your baby's size has changed from poppy seed to orange seed. Even we cannot see the baby in an ultrasound scan too. Let us look into the development in the last 7 days of your pregnancy journey.
Learn About: Week 4 in Pregnancy
Gestational Sac
In this week 5, if you are experiencing a pregnancy for the first time, words may be new to you, but it's crucial to know all these things. The gestational sac is nothing but a ball of fluid that develops around the embryo which is not visible.
Development of Organs
Major organs like kidneys, the circulatory system, blood, and the heart, start to begin and function. As the baby's cells grow top to bottom into the neural tube the length of the embryo slowly increases and becomes the spinal cord and the brain.
At this stage, the ectoderm starts to form the nervous system, along with skin, hair, and nails. And endoderm forms the lungs, intestines, and liver.
Umbilical Cord
Along with the placenta, the umbilical cord also starts to work hard to direct the nutrients to the baby like sugars, amino acids, fats, and more. And these help your baby to grow fast and healthy.
Baby has a Tail
Mostly, doctors will not suggest you take an ultrasound, but as a mother of the baby, we always have an excitement to see the baby. If we see the week 5 pregnancy Ultrasound pictures, the baby will have a head and a tail.
But dont worry your baby will come into your arms with a good structure of humans. Above are the most common changes that we see in the baby, as the neural tube is growing take folic acid, to avoid many neural problems.
5 Weeks Pregnant Symptoms: What to Expect Week 5 of Pregnancy
In the Pregnancy journey, the most commonly expected thing is symptoms, but here we are going to see the 5 weeks pregnant symptoms. By these one will easily guess that they are pregnant.
Below are some of the signs of week 5 pregnancy.
- A common sign of week 5 is sore breasts and this might happen due to a sudden increase in hormones. This is the stage breast starts to stretch and prepare for breastfeeding.
- Morning Sickness is another important sign that you observe, which is simply called nausea. As it is called morning sickness, it will be in the morning but you can feel it at any time in the day. Drinking more healthy fluids can decrease this.
- Bleeding or spotting in 5 weeks pregnant women is another common symptom but most of them will feel tensed when they see this, but there is nothing to worry about as it might be implantation bleeding. But blood should not cover a small panty liner. If you observe more than that, immediately contact your health provider.
- Another symptom we can say that you are pregnant is food cravings and it is most commonly known to the world. This will occur due to changes in appetite as there will be changes in hormones. You crave some foods and also you might hate the smells of some food. Mostly, pregnant women will crave meat if they are nonvegetarian. (know: Why You might be craving meat)
- You will also face acne on your face due to hormonal changes. But no need to fear as you will resolve it after your baby is born.
- Even though you will not do much work, you may feel fatigue, as your body is increasing the levels of progesterone.
- As your food, and nutrients take more time to absorb into the bloodstream, to go to the fetus, your digestive system also starts to work slowly, and you may observe an increase in constipation. But there is a chance to prevent it by increasing fiber-rich food and more amount of water in your food.
Also Read: Do eggs cause constipation
- Excessive saliva is one common thing in week 5 pregnant women due to some irritating pregnancy hormones.
- An increase in vaginal discharge is the most common thing at this stage of pregnancy.
- Frequent urination also occurs due to an increase in the uterus, the bladder will have more pressure on it. This may increase the urine frequency.
- Abdominal cramps can make you irritable during pregnancy, especially at week 5. This might happen due to an increase in uterus or egg implanting.
- Pregnancy can have many emotions. Your mood swings will change very frequently. Due to changes in hormones, it occurs.
Tests During Pregnancy: Week 5 Pregnancy Ultrasound & Pregnancy Test
You might already passed 4 weeks waiting for your period, or even though you have taken the pregnancy test you may have gotten a negative result. But taking the pregnancy test at week 5 will give you positive results if you are pregnant.
Because at this time, the hcg levels in your body will be at the correct level that is needed for home pregnancy tests. Also coming to an ultrasound test in week 5 might not be advised by doctors unless you have any medical history in the family or if there is heavy bleeding then your doctor will go for an ultrasound because heavy bleeding might be the cause of miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy.
In case you have any symptoms and if your doctor made an ultrasound, you can see the gestational sac and yolk sac.
Read More: Home Remedies To Avoid Constipation During Pregnancy
Expert Recommended Advice for 5 Weeks Pregnancy
As you are at the very starting stage of your pregnancy, you need to be very careful during this period as it is important for you and your baby.
Here are some expert tips to follow during this pregnancy.
Avoid Danger Food in Pregnancy
As you are pregnant you should be careful and need to avoid some toxic foods outside foods, that may affect your baby’s development. Mostly ask your doctor for the foods that you need to avoid.
Until your child's birth, stop drinking alcohol and smoking. Stop Eating uncooked or half-cooked foods, and unwashed fruits and vegetables.
Pets During Pregnancy
If you have pets at home, please be cautious with them and avoid taking the litter box. Give that duty to your family member until your child is born. Because cleaning the litter box you may get an infection called toxoplasmosis.
Even do gardening with gloves and avoid sandboxes as cats sometimes use them too.
Stop Taking Caffeine
If you have the habit of drinking coffee, stop drinking it until your baby sees the outside world. Taking too much caffeine will have to effect on the baby. And still, if you cannot avoid it, you just need to take 200 milligrams of caffeine per day.
You can also try switching to caffeine-free options like decay coffee to avoid many pregnancy complications.
Exercise Safely
Taking exercise daily will keep you healthy and also good for your baby. But do not be too stressed to exercise and ask your doctor before you start exercising as some of them should not do exercises at this stage.
Choose the Best Nutrients
Eating a healthy diet will give you more strength and your baby will grow healthy by taking all the nutrients in your womb.
If you have twins you need to take more and even you will be more hungry. If you take 200 calories per day it is good.
To-Do Checklist for 5 Weeks Pregnant Woman
Here are some checklist points that you need to do during these 5 weeks of pregnancy. Look at them below.
- Take your first prenatal visit to your midwife, or doctor, by booking an appointment. Choose your doctor wisely.
- Dont forget to take the folic acid and continue throughout your first trimester to avoid neural tube defects in the baby, and take vitamins regularly.
- Eat healthy and avoid junk food.
- Quit smoking and alcohol during the pregnancy period.
FAQs on Week 5 Pregnant Scan
1. Is 5 weeks pregnant too early to test?
No, 5-weeks of pregnancy is not too early to take the test, also it is the right time to take the test as you will have high hcg levels.
2. What is week 5 of pregnancy?
At 5 weeks of pregnancy, your embryo will start to develop into a fetus and the embryo will be the size of a rice grain. Also, most of the organs will start developing at this time.
3. Can you be 5 weeks pregnant with no symptoms?
As we all know, pregnancy will have symptoms. And till a month, there might not be any symptoms for some of them. But from 2nd month everyone will have at least one symptom.
4. If I’m 5 weeks pregnant when is my due date?
To calculate the due date, you can use the pregnancy due date calculator online or you can calculate the 40 weeks from the missing period or calculate 38 days from the day your pregnancy got confirmed.
5. What is a 5-week pregnancy baby size?
5 Weeks pregnant baby size will be the size of orange seed.
As you are five weeks pregnant now, you need to take care of yourself well and book an appointment with your doctor. Hope the provided knowledge on 5-week pregnancy has given you some outlines of baby development, symptoms, and more.
Important Tests during pregnancy help check the baby's growth and health, as well as the mother's well-being.
If you have more other questions running on your mind do ask your doctor. If you want to follow the pregnancy week by week, do follow our sowmyahospitals.com website.