Important Tests during pregnancy help check the baby's growth and health, as well as the mother's well-being.
Week 4 in Pregnancy: You might have missed your period four weeks ago, right? Congratulations!! Knowing about week by week in pregnancy will help you to know how your baby is growing inside, also you will learn how to take care of, what to eat, and many more.
Please check out, the first 3 weeks of pregnancy website, to know more about those weeks.
Now, as you are in week 4, it means that your body is getting ready to form the amniotic sac and placenta, and during this process, you may feel many changes in you but you may look casual as normal, to the outside world.
Let us dive into the article, to learn about the symptoms, signs, What to expect during 4 weeks of pregnancy, and how the baby’s development is done in week 4 as everything is explained clearly!!!
Check On: Pregnancy Week By Week
- Baby Development At Week 4 in Pregnancy | What Happens During Week 4 of Pregnancy
- Signs of Pregnancy in Week 4
- Things That You Need to Do At Week 4 Pregnancy
- 6 Expert Tips at Week 4 in Pregnancy
- How will you feel at week 4 of pregnancy?
- Will it be a heartbeat for a baby in week 4?
- Is your stomach hard in week 4 of pregnancy?
- Is it safe to eat papaya during pregnancy?
Baby Development At Week 4 in Pregnancy | What Happens During Week 4 of Pregnancy
After a woman gets pregnant, there will be amazing developments that will be done in her body. As you are in the week 4 pregnancy, your embryo might grown to the size of 2mm long which is the size of a poppy seed and this is month 1 in pregnancy.
In week 4, your blastocyst will complete its journey from the fallopian tube to the uterus. Once after that, a tiny ball of cells might be dividing in your uterus into two halves, which is one we call an embryo, and the other half will become the placenta.
Which is most important for your baby in the womb to give nutrients and remove waste for your baby until delivery. At this amniotic sac also forms in your body around the embryo to safeguard the fetus. In week 4, your baby starts transforming very quickly.
In the embryo, you can see the three layers that will be formed which are ectoderm, endoderm, and mesoderm.
Ectoderm – It will become your baby’s nervous system, hair, eyes, and outer layer of skin.
Endoderm – It is the inner layer of the embryo and forms into the baby’s digestive system.
Mesoderm – It will form into the skeleton, muscles, and blood systems
During this implantation process in week 4, you may spot bleeding which we can call implantation bleeding, and also you may feel the pain. And the color of this bleeding will be pinkish.
Also Read: Week 2 in Pregnancy
Signs of Pregnancy in Week 4
From week 4, the baby starts growing quickly and in this week 4 pregnancy, when implantation occurs in your body, you may see the symptoms below. Look into those symptoms, that you are feeling now and make sure that you are pregnant.
- The main symptom, that you will notice at first, is the missing period, which is a very early sign of pregnancy.
- If this is the first time, that you are pregnant, you might not see the baby bump that immediately.
- As we spoke above, light bleeding or spotting can be seen.
- You may feel a little puffy and bloated.
- Even brown discharge in early pregnancy at 4 weeks.
- Breasts and nipples will become soar and heavy for you.
- This week 4, you may also notice changes in your skin and this gives you a glow in the skin, and this is not the same for every woman.
- As the baby is growing you will feel fatigued, as the fetus will also share your energy.
- Even you may feel vomiting and gastrointestinal upset.
Things That You Need to Do At Week 4 Pregnancy
Once after pregnancy is confirmed by the urine test at home after missing the period if you get positive then make an appointment with the obstetrician for the first prenatal appointment.
Then the obstetrician will confirm your pregnancy, with some blood tests, and then if it is confirmed the GYN will suggest you take some other tests. Also, your healthcare provider will sit and talk to you about your health, and family history with many more.
And even you need to start taking folic acid supplements which help your baby from neural tube defects. Also, your Obstetrician will suggest your food habits based on your condition. Then taking supplements for folic acid it is always better to eat foods that are rich in folic acid like palak.
6 Expert Tips at Week 4 in Pregnancy
At week 4 in pregnancy, it is the most important time for baby development as this is the starting stage. Here we are going to provide some tips to follow at this stage.
- Stop, drinking alcohol, smoking, and taking drugs during the pregnancy as it may cause complications for your baby.
- Also, it is better to take the test to check STIs(sexually transmitted infections) chlamydia, gonorrhea, and genital herpes which can lead to baby bad health.
- Always eat healthy food during pregnancy by avoiding some fast foods and outside foods that are not healthy for babies.
- Try to include fruits and vegetables which are high in vitamins and minerals mainly vitamin D which may lead to Down syndrome, for deficiency of vitamin D.
- Search for the best obstetrician in your area and go near them.
- Know what are the foods to Avoid during pregnancy.
FAQs on What to Eat During 4 Weeks of Pregnancy
1. How will you feel at week 4 of pregnancy?
In week 4 of pregnancy, you will feel a missing period, sore breasts, vomiting, nausea, and a metallic taste in your mouth.
2. Will it be a heartbeat for a baby in week 4?
No, the heartbeat will start beating for the baby after 5 weeks of pregnancy.
3. Is your stomach hard in week 4 of pregnancy?
In pregnancy, hardening of the stomach will cause due to excessive stretching of muscles. At week 4 of pregnancy as the baby’s development starts the stomach gets firmer.
4. Is it safe to eat papaya during pregnancy?
Eating raw papaya may cause miscarriage, due to estrogen levels. Ripe papaya will not harm you, but avoiding eating papaya during pregnancy is safe.
In the complete journey of a woman’s pregnancy week 4 is the crucial time and needs to take more rest. And this is the week when it will start noticing the pregnancy symptoms.
This is the time, to start preparing yourself and your family to start new beginnings with the new member.
Check out the week-by-week guide during pregnancy at Soumyahospitals website and also look at the tests during pregnancy. It is the perfect resource for new and expecting moms.