Growth and Development  NCLEX Questions with Rationale

Growth and Development NCLEX Questions with Rationale

NCLEX RN Practice Questions provide an opportunity to reinforce knowledge of nursing fundamentals, including anatomy and physiology.

NCLEX Growth and Development Questions - NCLEX Questions on Growth and Development

Growth and Development NCLEX Practice Questions

Question 1.
Which of the following statements from the parents indicates that they are assisting their infant in achieving Erikson's stages of development?
(a) "We have enrolled our infant in various extracurricular activities."
(b) "We have left our infant to sleep alone in a separate room."
(c) "We make sure to hold our infant often and meet their needs for food and hygiene."
(d) "We encourage our infant to be independent and do things on their own."
(c) "We make sure to hold our infant often and meet their needs for food and hygiene." This option shows that the parents are providing a nurturing and supportive environment for their infant, which is crucial in Erikson's first stage of development. Trust vs. Mistrust.


Option (a) "We have enrolled our infant in various extracurricular activities." is incorrect because infants are too young for extracurricular activities and this does not relate to Erikson's stages of development.

Option (b) "We have left our infant to sleep alone in a separate room." is incorrect because infants need to feel safe and secure, and leaving them alone in a separate room can create a sense of fear and mistrust.

Option (d) "We encourage our infant to be independent and do things on their own." is incorrect because infants are not yet at a stage where they can be independent, and this does not address their need for nurturing and support.

Question 2.
Mr. Jones is a 72-year-old retired teacher who has recently lost his wife to cancer. He has been feeling increasingly isolated and depressed, and his family is concerned about his well-being. During a routine check-up, Mr. Jones expresses his feelings of loneliness to his primary care physician, who recommends that he seek counseling to help him cope with his grief.
Which of the following statements from the counselor indicates that they are following Erikson's stages of development in their interventions with Mr. Jones?
(a) Encourage Mr. Jones to start a new career as a way to meet new people and stay busy
(b) Suggest that Mr. Jones adopt a pet to keep him company
(c) Listen attentively to Mr. Jones's stories about his life's accomplishments
(d) Encourage Mr. Jones to stop dwelling on the past and focus on the present
(c) Listen attentively to Mr. Jones's stories about his life's accomplishments

Erikson's stages of development emphasize the importance of a person's life experiences and how they shape their identity. In later adulthood, individuals reflect on their life accomplishments and seek to find meaning and purpose in their lives. By listening attentively to Mr. Jones's stories, the counselor is acknowledging his life experiences and validating his sense of identity. 

Encouraging him to start a new career or adopt a pet may not be appropriate interventions for his current situation, as they do not address his feelings of grief and loneliness. Similarly, telling him to stop dwelling on the past may be invalidating and dismissive of his feelings.

Question 3.
A therapist is counseling the parents of a three-year-old child. During the counseling session, the therapist explains Freud's psychosexual stages of development. Which of the following statements from the parents indicates that they understand the anal stage of development?
(a) "Our child is constantly seeking immediate gratification of his needs."
(b) "Our child is beginning to gain a sense of control over instinctive drives."
(c) "Our child is experiencing pleasurable and conflicting feelings associated with his genital organs."
(d) "Our child is starting to develop satisfying sexual and emotional relationships with members of the opposite sex."
(b) "Our child is beginning to gain a sense of control over instinctive drives."

The anal stage of development occurs between the ages of one and three years, during w'hich the child gains pleasure from the elimination of feces and from their retention. The conflict of this stage is between the demands from society and the parents and the sensations of pleasure associated with the anus. The child begins to gain a sense of control over instinctive drives and leams to delay immediate gratification to gain a future goal. Therefore, option B is the correct answer as it indicates that the parents understand the anal stage of development.

Option (a) refers to the oral stage of development, during which the infant is concerned with self-gratification and operates on the Pleasure Principle, seeking immediate gratification of needs. Option (c)  refers to the phallic stage of development, during which the child experiences pleasurable and conflicting feelings associated with the genital organs.

Option (d) refers to the genital stage of development, which emerges at adolescence with the onset of puberty, when the genital organs mature, and the individual develops satisfying sexual and emotional relationships with members of the opposite sex. 

Question 4.
Sarah is a 6-year-old girl who has been having difficulty controlling her bowel movements. Her parents are concerned and take her to the pediatrician. After a physical examination and ruling out any medical issues, the pediatrician explains to Sarah's parents that this may be related to her development and suggests they consult with a child psychologist. The psychologist explains to Sarah's parents that this may be related to the anal stage of Freud's psychosexual stages of development.
Which of the following statements from the psychologist is accurate regarding the anal stage of Freud's psychosexual stages of development for Sarah?
(a) Sarah experiences pleasurable and conflicting feelings associated with the genital organs.
(b) Sarah is concerned with self-gratification and operates on the Pleasure Principle.
(c) Sarah gains pleasure from the elimination of feces and from their retention.
(d) The conflict of this stage is between society's demands and sensations of pleasure associated with the mouth.
(e) During this stage, Sarah develops satisfying sexual and emotional relationships with members of the opposite sex.
(f) The individual gains gratification from their own body during the genital stage.
(c) Sarah gains pleasure from the elimination of feces and from their retention and (f) The individual gains gratification from their own body during the genital stage.

Option (a) is incorrect because the pleasure and conflict feelings are associated with the genital organs during the phallic stage, not the anal stage. Option (b) is incorrect because it describes the oral stage, not the anal stage. Option (d) is incorrect because the conflict of the anal stage is between society's demands and sensations of pleasure associated with the anus, not the mouth. 

Option (e) is incorrect because it describes the genital stage, which occurs after the latency stage. Option (c) is correct because during the anal stage, children gain pleasure from the elimination of feces and from their retention. Option (f) is correct because the genital stage is when individuals gain gratification from their own body and develop satisfying sexual and emotional relationships with members of the opposite sex.

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Question 5.
Ms. Vimal is a 75-year-old patient who has been diagnosed with terminal cancer. She is receiving end-of-life care in the hospital, and her family is with her. The nurse assigned to her care is providing emotional support to both the patient and her family. The nurse demonstrates sensitivity to cultural, spiritual, and religious beliefs and uses therapeutic communication techniques to provide comfort to the patient and her family.
Which of the following statements from the nurse indicates that she is using therapeutic communication techniques?
(a) "I'm sorry, but you have to make a decision quickly."
(b) "I don't know what to say, this must be really hard for you."
(c) "Don't worry, everything will be alright."
(d) "Can you tell me more about what you're feeling right now?"
(d) "Can you tell me more about what you're feeling right now?"

Option (d) is the correct answer because it demonstrates the use of open-ended questions, a therapeutic communication technique, to encourage the patient and family to express their feelings and concerns. Option (a) is incorrect because it is not respectful of the patient's decision-making process. Option (b) is incorrect because it focuses on the nurse's feelings rather than the patient's. Option (c) is incorrect because it is not honest and may give false hope to the patient and family.

Question 6.
Emma is a 5-year-old girl who was caught stealing candy from a store. Her parents are concerned about her behavior and want to teach her the difference between right and wrong. Which of the following statements from the parents indicates that they understand Emma's moral development stage and how to appropriately discipline her?
(a) "I'm going to take away all her toys for a week so she knows not to steal." 
(b) "I'm going to explain to her why stealing is wrong and how it hurts others."
(c) "I'm going to give her a reward for not stealing again."
(d) "I'm going to ignore her behavior and hope it goes away on its own."
(e) "I'm going to physically punish her so she learns not to steal."
(f) "I'm going to ask her why she stole and listen to her response."
(g) "I'm going to tell her not to steal again because it's against the law."
(h) "I'm going to make her apologize to the store owner for stealing."
(b) "I'm going to explain to her why stealing is wrong and how it hurts others."
(f) "I'm going to ask her why she stole and listen to her response."
(h) "I'm going to make her apologize to the store owner for stealing."

Emma is in the preconventional morality stage, specifically at Stage 1 - Punishment-Obedience Orientation. At this stage, she makes judgments based on avoiding punishment or obtaining a reward. Therefore, physical punishment (option e) and rewarding her for not stealing (option c) may reinforce her behavior and give her a negative view of morals. Withdrawing love and affection (not mentioned in options) can also lead to feelings of guilt in the toddler.

Appropriate discipline (options b f, and h) includes providing simple explanations of why certain behaviors are unacceptable, listening to the child's response, praising appropriate behavior, and asking her to apologize for her actions. Ignoring the behavior (option d) may not be effective in teaching her the difference between right and wrong. Also, focusing solely on the legal aspect of stealing (option g) may not be the most effective way to teach her moral values.

Question 7.
Emma is a 9-year-old girl who always tries to please her parents and teachers. She is very concerned about being a good girl and following the rules. Emma is currently in which stage of moral development according to Kohlberg's theory?
(a) Stage 0: Egocentric Judgment
(b) Stage 1: Punishment-Obedience Orientation
(c) Stage 3: Good Boy or Nice Girl Orientation
(d) Stage 4: Law and Order Orientation
(c) Stage 3: Good Boy or Nice Girl Orientation 

According to Kohlberg's theory, Emma's concern for being good and following the rules indicates that she is in the third stage of moral development, which is the "Good Boy or Nice Girl Orientation" stage. This stage involves conformity to avoid disapproval or dislike by others, and individuals in this stage interpret being good as having good motives and showing concern for others. Emma's desire to please her parents and teachers is consistent with this stage.

Option (a) Stage 0: Egocentric Judgment, is incorrect as this stage describes the earliest stage of moral development where the child has no awareness of right or wrong. Option (b) Stage 1: Punishment-Obedience Orientation, is incorrect as this stage involves making judgments based on avoiding punishment or obtaining a reward, and the child obeys rules to avoid punishment or to avoid displeasing those in power.

Option (d) Stage 4: Law and Order Orientation, is incorrect as this stage involves a greater concern for society as a whole, and the emphasis is on obeying laws to maintain social order, which is not consistent with Emma's behavior.

Question 8.
A 4-month-old baby girl is brought to the pediatrician for a routine checkup. The doctor observes that the baby is grasping and switching objects from one hand to the other. Which of the following statements from the parents indicates that the baby is developing normally?
(a) "She doesn't seem to recognize us yet, even though we're her parents."
(b) "She cries a lot, especially when we put her down to sleep."
(c) "She hasn't rolled over yet, but she seems to be trying."
(d) "She loves it when we play with her and smile at her."
(d) "She loves it when we play with her and smile at her."

At 4 to 5 months, infants should be grasping and switching objects from one hand to the other, as well as showing enjoyment of social interaction. Option (a) is incorrect because at this age. infants should recognize and respond to their parents. Option (b) is incorrect because although infants may cry frequently, crying when put down to sleep specifically is not a developmental milestone. 

Option (c) is incorrect because rolling over is a milestone for 4 to 5 months, not a requirement for normal development at 4 months. Option (d) is correct because enjoyment of social interaction is a milestone for 4 to 5 months, and playing and smiling with the baby is a good indicator that she is meeting this milestone.

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