Doppler Test in the Third Trimester During Pregnancy: Reasons, Problems, Risks, Procedure & Results

Doppler Test in the Third Trimester During Pregnancy: Reasons, Problems, Risks, Procedure & Results

Important Tests during pregnancy help check the baby's growth and health, as well as the mother's well-being.

Doppler Pregnancy Test in the Third Trimester: Most midwives or healthcare providers will prescribe you a Doppler pregnancy test to detect the heart and blood vessels Which are cardiovascular problems.

Do not think and be afraid of this Doppler pregnancy test, it is nothing but an ultrasound, which is painless and safe. Mostly, this test will be prescribed to a pregnant woman who is having complications in their pregnancy journey.

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Sometimes, even your midwife can suggest this test to check your baby's wellbeing also they do this test to check the baby's heartbeat during labor.

We hope you have got an idea about this Doppler Pregnancy Test. Let's dive deep into the topic to learn more details.

Overview of the Doppler Test in Pregnancy

Also Known as Doppler Flow Study, Color Doppler UltraSound, Doppler Velocimetry
Pregnancy Weeks 28 - 40 weeks, sometimes even done at 10-12 weeks.
Preparation Do not eat or drink from a few hours before the test and you need to stop using nicotine products before two hours of the test.
Machine Ultrasound
Purpose To study cardiovascular problems in the fetus
Procedure Type Painless, & safe.
Reporting Time 30 to 60 mins.

What is Doppler Pregnancy? | Why Doppler Test Is Used?

The pregnancy Doppler test is an Ultrasound screening test that will help you estimate the blood flow through the different parts of the baby's body, especially from the umbilical cord, heart, and brain.

This Doppler Pregnancy Test can also identify blood vessels in the legs, arms, and stomach. When you get a result, your healthcare provider will be able to check whether the baby is getting oxygen and nutrients to the baby by the placenta.

Doppler Pregnancy Ultrasound machine looks like the normal Ultrasound Machine but it will have a Doppler function.

Types of Doppler Ultrasound Tests in Pregnancy

Types of Doppler Ultrasound Tests in Pregnancy

You may think that Doppler Pregnancy is an ultrasound scan and it is only one test, but in that test, there are different types. Let us look at the types of tests that help to gather information for your healthcare provider below.

  • Color Doppler: When you see this type of Doppler it gives colors to sound waves to show the direction of blood flow.
  • Duplex Doppler: It helps to combine the traditional ultrasound pictures with the Doppler ultrasound, to tell you the width of the blood vessels.
  • Spectral Doppler: This spectral Doppler will give you a graphical representation of blood flow.
  • Power Doppler: This type of power Doppler is a new version of color Doppler. It can show even small and slower blood vessels.

Reasons For Having Doppler Ultrasound in Pregnancy

When you think about the reasons for having an ultrasound in pregnancy there will be many of them. If your health care provider has suggested this Doppler Pregnancy test, it means that you need extra care or you may have the symptoms of abnormal blood flow.

Look for some of the other reasons why you need to take this Doppler Ultrasound test during pregnancy.

  • You need to go for this test, in case you are carrying twins and they have the signs of TTTS (Twin-to-Twin-Transfusion-Syndrome).
  • In case you have already had a history of baby loss at the time of birth or during pregnancy.
  • Even if your baby is smaller than normal, or not growing healthy then you need to take this test.
  • If you have observed that your baby moments have been reduced than usual then it is better to take this test.
  • Even if your health care provider detects that your baby is infected with rhesus antibodies then you better take this test.
  • If you detect there is an injury in blood vessels, you need to test.

Problems That the Doppler Test In Pregnancy will Diagnose

You may have seen the reasons that a Doppler test is needed, right? Now you can know what are the problems that the Doppler test will diagnose in your fetus.

Some of them include:

  • Injuries in Blood Vessels
  • Chronic Venous Insufficiency (CVI)
  • Blood Clots, which include Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT).
  • Narrowed Arteries or Veins
  • Tumors in Blood Vessels
  • Blood Supply to a Transplant Organ like the Pancreas or kidney.

Doppler Ultrasound Pregnancy Procedure

Did your midwife suggest this Doppler test and feeling tense? Do not worry about this Doppler pregnancy as it is an ultrasound scan that will be done specialist called a sonographer.

And look at the procedure that will be done, so that you can be in peace. It is as normal as a regular ultrasound scan. And this test may take upto 30 -60 minutes.

  • The sonographer, who is the specialist guides you by applying a small gel to your skin. By using this water-based gel the sound waves can be heard well.
  • Using the transducer, the sonographer moves that where they applied the gel, it will be safe and painless.
  • The device will send sound waves into your body but anyway you cannot feel them.
  • In this process, you may hear the wooshing sound from the ultrasound machine.
  • By this sonographer will get a picture of how the blood is flowing and how your baby is doing.
  • Once after complete of the process, the sonographer will wipe off the gel from your body.

Color Doppler Ultrasound Test Results

After completion of the Doppler Pregnancy test, results will be provided within a week. Your healthcare provider or a doctor who specializes in imaging will review the test results.

Once after reviewing, if there are any complications, your doctor may suggest you with some tests.

Risks of Doppler Ultrasound | Doppler Ultrasound Cost

Risks of Doppler Ultrasound | Doppler Ultrasound Cost

As this Doppler Ultrasound is a noninvasive test it is of low risk and it is not linked to any health harm.

In this test, there will be no X-rays used, so you do not need to worry about radiation which will be in the CT Scan. And it is also not like angiogram which is injectable contrast dyes.

Remember as we have said above, it is not harmful and painful. As it is safer during pregnancy, mostly ultrasound will be used.

But sometimes there is a chance of affecting the fluids and tissues in the body because of this Ultrasound.

Coming to the cost of this test is based on many factors including insurance, location, hospital, and many more.

FAQs on Doppler Ultrasound Pregnancy Test

1. Who needs this Doppler test?

A pregnant woman has been diagnosed with a defect in blood vessels affecting, the abdomen. Also, this test will be done to check the blood flow after the birth given to the baby.

2. Is any preparation needed before taking this Doppler test?

Before taking this Doppler pregnancy test, you may need to fast for a few hours before, also if you have a habit of smoking you need to quit two hours before the test.

Not only smoking anything related to nicotine.

3. How much time does it take for the Doppler test results?

This Doppler test may take upto 30 minutes and it will be done in the third trimester at 32 weeks.

4. Is the Doppler Test in Pregnancy compulsory?

Usually, no, this test is not compulsory as it has full rights to make a decision, you have a chance to decide whether to have it or not.

Before taking this test, discuss with your midwife the doubts you have and decide.


If you are having any cardiovascular problems, your healthcare provider will suggest you to Doppler Pregnancy. We as a team, provided you the information on the Doppler pregnancy test, you can have a look and get an idea of What it is when it is used.

But don't rely on the info, just listen to your doctor and if you have any symptoms your doctor will advise you. Need more articles on tests, you can happily look at our website.

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