Routine Prenatal Visit & RH Immunoglobulin (If Rh-Negative) at Weeks 28-32: Tests, Procedures & More

Routine Prenatal Visit & RH Immunoglobulin (If Rh-Negative) at Weeks 28-32: Tests, Procedures & More

Every pregnancy is different and unique, so the prenatal test that you attend throughout your pregnancy will be very precious for every child you give birth to.

Not only Prenatal tests but also many other tests during pregnancy are significant, these routine checkups for pregnant women are vital every 3-4 weeks, but when it comes to the third trimester these checkups will be decreased to 2-3 weeks.

Even if you go for every 3 to 4 weeks or every 2 weeks the goal of this prenatal visit will be to track the health and condition of the baby.

When you go for routine prenatal visits at the time of the third trimester, especially between weeks 28-32, your healthcare provider may ask for the tests of blood pressure, height, weight, fetal heart rate monitoring & also urine tests.

Learn About: Fetal Echocardiography (Pregnancy)

Along with that if the mother is RH negative the case doctor will provide us with RH immunoglobulin to prevent RH incompatibility.

Check out the article to know more about all these factors that will happen at 28-32 weeks of the third trimester.

Routine Prenatal Visit At Weeks 28-32

When you visit your obstetrician after entering into the third trimester which is between 28-32 weeks, then your care provider will suggest you for some tests.

In the third trimester, you will go for these routine tests very often like every two weeks, but still, the prenatal tests are significant.

Routine Prenatal Visit At Weeks 28-32

During this routine prenatal checkup for weeks 28-32 the care provider will check the following:

  • Weigh you
  • Blood Pressure Measurement
  • Fundal Height Measurements
  • Urine Sample Test for protein and glucose
  • Fetal Heart Rate Monitoring

Weight of your Body at 28-32 weeks: Your obstetrician will check your weight during the 28-32 weeks. Healthy weight gain during pregnancy will be different for everyone.

Blood Pressure Measurement: Blood pressure will be measured when you go for a prenatal visit at 28-32 weeks. According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, the blood pressure of the pregnant woman should be less than 120/80 mmHg.

Fundal Height Measurements: Your health care provider will take your fundal height measurement, which is the distance between the top of the uterus and the public bone.

By this measurement, they can be able to estimate the fetus's growth and position.

Urine Sample Test for Protein and Glucose: Throughout the trimesters this sample tests for protein and glucose. This will be done for 28-32 weeks.

Through these tests, your provider will find issues like gestational diabetes, Urinary Tract Infections, and Preeclampsia.

Fetal Heart Rate Monitoring: Fetal Heart rate monitoring will be done in every prenatal test even at 28-32 weeks. And the weight of the fetus will be 110-160 BPM. But it can vary from 5-10 BPM in the last 10 weeks.

To monitor fetal heart rate you will take a nonstress test.

RH Immunoglobulin (If Rh-Negative) at Weeks 28-32

When you think this RH Immunoglobulin is a biological antibody that is taken from human plasma, which will target Red blood cells.

This RH Immunoglobulin is also called RH immune globulin and anti-D immunoglobulin. It is used for Rh-negative mothers in pregnancy to prevent RH-D isoimmunization which will cause complications in pregnancy.

RH Immunoglobulin (If Rh-Negative) at Weeks 28-32

Preventing RH Incompatibility During Pregnancy

If you are pregnant and your RH factor is negative then you need to take the RH immunoglobulin which prevents antibodies.

This RHIG will be usually given as a shot (injection) that surely reduces this RH incompatibility. If you diagnose and treat it, definitely reduce the complications in pregnancy.

This RHIG will be given to the pregnant women during the third pregnancy.

FAQS on Routine Prenatal Visit & RH Immunoglobulin (If Rh-Negative)

1. What happens if antibodies develop in pregnant women?

Antibodies in a pregnant woman can cause the rhesus disease of the fetus. That can lead to anemia and jaundice in the baby and sometimes it can be life-threatening.

2. How can I find out that I am RH negative?

To know that as a pregnant woman, you are RH negative is through blood tests.

3. What do you expect at third-trimester prenatal visits?

At third-trimester prenatal visits, the blood pressure, weight, fetal heart rate, and urine sample test will be checked.

4. How important are prenatal in 3rd trimester?

How important are prenatal in 3rd trimester

In the third trimester, prenatal visits play a vital role as there is a lot of development happening in this trimester.


During the pregnancy between 28-32 weeks is important and at the same time knowing the RH factor and taking care is also important for pregnant mothers for safe and happy delivery.

Do not miss any of the prenatal visits and tests that need to be made during pregnancy by keeping your schedule organized.

Get more clarity on the tests that will be made during pregnancy before taking them in pregnancy as they have risks and benefits. For that, you can check the Tests during Pregnancy page at

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