Your body consists of 7 energy centers called chakras. These chakras are located throughout your body and if the energy of any of the chakras is blocked, it leads to an illness or physical dysfunction. Each chakra houses your emotional and mental strengths too. If you suffer from a physical issue, your emotional behavior is also weakened. You need to release the flow of blocked energy from your body if you feel stiff or tight in any of the areas of your body. By releasing the flow of energy, not only your body but also your mind will become balanced. If your emotional state of mind is not balanced, then you may feel some physical difficulties too. Fear and negative emotions prevent your body from functioning properly and you feel some form of physical restriction. So it is important to achieve a balance between your mind and body to keep your chakras in balance. Here are the different chakras present in your body and how you can tell that they are out of balance.
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1. Root Chakra
It is located at the base of your spine in your tailbone area. Its physical imbalances include problems in your feet, legs, rectum, immune system, tailbone, prostate gland, and the parts of the male reproductive organ. So, you may experience knee pain, constipation, eating disorders, arthritis, and sciatica. Emotional imbalances of this chakra affect your feelings regarding your ability to provide for your life’s basic necessities. You will feel safe, supported, and grounded when this chakra is in balance.
2. Sacral Chakra
This chakra is located two inches below your abdomen in your lower abdomen. Its physical imbalances include lower back pain, urinary dysfunctions, sexual and reproductive issues, and kidney problems. Its emotional imbalances include the inability to express desired emotions, fear of being betrayed, and the inability to feel sexual pleasure. You will feel passionate, creative, and committed when this chakra is in balance.
3. Solar Plexus Chakra
It is located 3 inches above your navel in the stomach area. Its physical imbalances include fatigue, liver problems, diabetes, high blood pressure, stomach ulcers, and colon disease. Its emotional imbalances make you judge your self-worth. You will have a fear of rejection and criticism. When this chakra is balanced, you feel confident and in control, and you have self-respect.
4. Heart Chakra
This chakra is located at the center of the chest above the heart and affects your ability to love. Its physical imbalances include heart or lung disease, back pain, asthma, and issues with the breasts and the lymphatic system. Its emotional imbalances include jealousy, fear of abandonment, bitterness, and anger. You will feel love, joy, compassion, and gratitude when this chakra is balanced.
5. Throat Chakra
This chakra is located at your throat and affects your ability to communicate. Its physical imbalances include sore throats, laryngitis, neck and shoulder pain, and ear infections. Its emotional imbalances include the inability to express your emotions, lack of willpower, and issues with spoken or written communication. You will be able to choose your words wisely and will be able to communicate well when this chakra is balanced.
6. Third Eye Chakra
This chakra is located in the center of your forehead between your eyes. Its physical imbalances include seizures, headaches, vision and hearing problems, sinus issues, and problems with hormone function. Its emotional imbalances include the inability to think and make decisions, the inability to self-reflect and to learn from others, and daydreaming very often. When this chakra is balanced, you will be focused and clear, and you will be able to tell the difference between reality and illusion. You will be open to learning new things and will be able to see the big picture.
7. Crown Chakra
This is the highest chakra, which is located at the top of your head. Its physical imbalances include the inability to learn, depression, and sensitivity to your environment. Its emotional imbalances include the fear of being secluded, confusion, issues with self-knowledge, and being rigid and prejudiced. When this chakra is balanced, you will be spiritual and mindful. You will be able to live in the moment and will be able to trust your inner self.
You can practice yoga and meditation techniques to balance your chakras. Always start from your root chakra and work your way up to the crown chakra.