Ashwagandha Dosage: How Much Should You Take Daily?

Ashwagandha Dosage: How Much Should You Take Daily?

In ayurvedic medicine, ashwagandha occupies pride of place as a rasayana herb – a herb that improves overall vitality and longevity and offers holistic physical and mental health benefits. It is commonly prescribed as a tonic for daily use, especially for those suffering or recovering from illness. So, we naturally come to the question: how much ashwagandha is safe to use? The dosage depends on the types of ashwagandha products available. You can find ashwagandha from reliable Ayurvedic practitioners in 3 forms: ashwagandha root or leaf powder, root or leaf extract, and capsules.

1. Ashwagandha Root Or Leaf Powder: 1–2 Tsps Twice Daily

Ayurvedic preparations often use ashwagandha root or leaf powder instead of a concentrated extract of the same. The most commonly recommended dosage, for both short- and long-term use is 1–2 tsps ashwagandha powder twice daily, which is about 3–6 g in total. Ashwagandha should be taken with meals.

The most common traditional way of consuming ashwagandha is to boil ashwagandha powder or churna in water to make a mild decoction or to mix it with milk, buttermilk, ghee, or honey.

Ashwagandha Tea Recipe

  • Take 2 tsps dried ashwagandha root powder
  • Immerse it in approximately 3½ cups boiling water
  • Allow it to boil for 15 minutes
  • Strain to remove any remaining plant matter in the water
  • Consume 1/4 cup twice daily

Ashwagandha And Ghee Mixture

  • Roast 2 tbsps ashwagandha in 1/2 cup ghee
  • Add 1 tbsp date sugar
  • Store in the refrigerator
  • Add 1 tsp of the mixture to a glass of milk or water and consume

2. Ashwagandha Root Or Leaf Extract: 600–1200 mg Daily

You can reduce 1 tsp of ashwagandha root or leaf powder to about 300 mg of concentrated extract. Taking cue from traditional texts, most human studies on ashwagandha have tested effects of dosage of 600–1200 mg of ashwagandha root or leaf extract per day; they have found this dosage to be both safe and effective.

Ashwagandha Tincture Recipe

  • Add 1/2 cup dried, cut ashwagandha root to a jar.
  • Pour 2 cups of 80 to 100 proof non GMO vodka or rum over it.
  • Cover the jar and place it in a dark place for 2 weeks to 4 months – shake the mixture on a periodic basis.
  • When your tincture is done, carefully transfer it into amber or cobalt glass bottles with droppers for easy dispensing.
  • Add about 40–50 drops ashwagandha tincture to 120 ml water and drink — up to 3 times daily or as directed by your ayurvedic practitioner.

3. Ashwagandha Capsules: 1–2 Twice Daily

In modern times, ashwagandha capsules seem to be the preferred form of consumption – because of ease of use and also because of standardization of the quantity and quality of ashwagandha extract.

In capsule form, the recommended ashwagandha dosage is 1–2 capsules, twice daily.

Ashwagandha Side Effects

No major side effects have been reported within the recommended dosage range of 300–1200 mg ashwagandha extract per day. However, you may need to look out for minor side effects of ashwagandha. High doses could worsen acidity, ulcers, skin rashes, and anxiety. Very high doses of 450–1500 mg/kg of pure alkaloid extract could be toxic. Pregnant women, and those with hyperthyroidism, low blood sugar, or acute liver problems must exercise caution.

Your Doubts Answered

1. Is Safe To Have Ashwagandha Every Day?

[expert_opinion expertname=’sheetalsuvarna’ opinion=”Ashwagandha is a rejuvenating herb and is safe to be consumed for a longer duration, to be specific for a stretch of 6 to 8 weeks, however, following this it’s advisable to abstain it for a month before resuming its consumption so as to avoid dependence. Even if it’s administered correctly with proper dosage and preparations, there are higher chances of it to being ineffective in persons having poor digestion capacity or inherent dosha imbalances and pathology. It is therefore advisable to consult an Ayurvedic doctor for addressing those issues and to have a proper line of treatment – over the counter prescription is strongly discouraged.”]

[expert_opinion expertname=’swetavikram’ opinion=”Not enough research has been completed on humans to determine effectiveness and safe, long-term dosing. According to the report published in “Alternative Medicine Review,” Ashwagandha is generally considered safe, although large doses are linked to nausea, diarrhea and vomiting. In addition, Ashwagandha has abortifacient properties, which means large doses could potentially lead to miscarriage—so this supplement should be avoided in pregnancy. Finally, since this supplement is a mild central nervous system depressant, it may interact with alcohol, anti-anxiety drugs or sedatives.”]

2. Can I Give Ashwagandha To My Children?

[expert_opinion expertname=’sheetalsuvarna’ opinion=”In addition to Ashwagandha’s known benefits to increase immunity, strength, and vigor it is an excellent bulk promoter and is particularly recommended for children with malnutrition. Dosage varies depending on the age of the child and should be taken with a suitable adjuvant and strictly under an Ayurvedic doctors guidance. Just as a good rainfall revives parched vegetation, consuming Ashwagandha powder with milk, ghee, oil or plain lukewarm water for 15 days nourishes the emaciated child.”]

[expert_opinion expertname=’swetavikram’ opinion=”Ashwagandha boosts immunity by supporting and balancing adrenal function, says Dr. John Douillard, Ph.D., a Boulder, Colorado, chiropractor, Ayurvedic physician and author of Perfect Health for Kids. The adrenal glands produce cortisol, and overproduction of this “fight-or-flight” hormone can dampen immunity. Ashwagandha is particularly helpful for preventing colds and can also be used when kids are stressed or tired. Ashwagandha is usually given in milk to young children to improve growth and muscle tone, especially for those who lag behind others in physical parameters. But, when Ashwagandha was given in small doses of 2 mg to pre-school children for 60 days, it was found to improve their ability to concentrate on learning tasks and assimilate facts at a faster rate. Its potential in treating attention-deficit hyperactivity (ADHD) in school children is being actively explored. According to Foster and Johnson, it was shown to improve body weight and red blood cell count in children who took 2 g of the herb a day for 60 days.”]

3. Does Ashwagandha Interact With Any Medication?

[expert_opinion expertname=’swetavikram’ opinion=”Ashwagandha is, for the most part, a safe herb to use. It should not be used in conjunction with barbiturates, according to the Tillotson Institute. The herb should not be used by pregnant or breastfeeding women because the effects of ashwagandha under these circumstances have not been well researched, according to the University of Michigan. If you are under treatment for any medical or psychiatric problems, or take any prescription medications, talk with your doctor before starting supplemental ashwagandha.”]

4. Can I Take Ashwagandha During Menstruation?

[expert_opinion expertname=’sheetalsuvarna’ opinion=” Ashwagandha roots help tone the uterine muscle and is advisable in dysmenorrhea (painful menstruation). One of the factors that regulate the menstrual flow is the downward action of the Apana Vayu ( it’s the air element below the umbilicus) and any obstruction in the Apana Vayu presents with menstrual disturbances. Ashwagandha root powder helps to pacify Vayu, strengthens the uterine muscle and to promotes easy expulsion of the menstrual blood. Generally its safe to consume during menstruation, however, is best avoided in case of excessive bleeding.”]

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