Week 21 Pregnant: You have completed 20 weeks journey of your pregnancy and entered into 21 weeks of pregnancy. From now on, you will start to feel baby kicks and punches. You can notice improved facial features of the baby during the ultrasound.
Check on: Pregnancy Week By Week
Your baby gained 14 pounds weight at this stage. You can even notice Braxton Hicks which will stop once you change positions. Get to know the complete details about 21 weeks pregnant in the following sections of this page.
- Key Takeaways of Pregnancy at 21 Weeks
- Your Body at 21 Weeks Pregnant
- Baby's Development at 21 Weeks Pregnancy
- Week 21 Pregnant Symptoms
- Tips for Week 21 Pregnancy
- Your Pregnancy Diet at 21 Weeks
- How many kicks are normal at 21 weeks?
- Is the baby fully developed at 21 weeks?
- Are you 6 months pregnant at 21 weeks?
Key Takeaways of Pregnancy at 21 Weeks
Baby Movements
If you haven't yet, any day now, you will feel your baby's kicks and stretches. It's one of the most moving milestones of pregnancy. Soon after, other people will be able to feel those movements too when they put a hand on your baby bump.
Pregnancy Exercise
Swimming is one of the best exercises for expecting mums. It's gentle on your body, and can help ease pregnancy aches and pains. Your bump also feels lighter in the water.
Water Retention
Water retention can cause swelling in your hands and feet (oedema). Surprisingly, drinking more might be the answer and help to reduce water retention in the body.
Your Body at 21 Weeks Pregnant
This week, you may look in the mirror at your 21 week baby bump and wonder, “Where did I go?!” By the time you reach 21 weeks pregnant, you may have gained around 13 to 14 pounds, and around 21 pounds if you’re 21 weeks pregnant with twins.
Your newfound curves might have you feeling super sexy and confident—after all, you’re the center of attention wherever you go! But the extra weight also might have you feeling self-conscious. Remind yourself, you’re supposed to be gaining this weight and do your best to embrace those curves. If you still find yourself over-focusing on weight, be sure to let your provider know.
In fact, all the weight you gain during pregnancy isn’t just padding for baby—it all serves a really important purpose. Here’s a logical way to think of it: Of the approximately 30 pounds you’ll gain throughout your pregnancy, there’s a whole lot more than fat. Here’s what makes up that weight:
- An average full-term baby = 7.5 pounds
- Placenta = 1.5 pounds
- Uterus = 2 pounds
- Amniotic fluid = 2 pounds
- Maternal stores of fat, protein, and other nutrients (needed for breastfeeding!) = 7 pounds
- Breast tissue (also for breastfeeding, of course) = 2 pounds
- Increased fluid volume = 2 to 3 pounds
- Increased blood volume = 4 pounds
Learn About: 22 Weeks Pregnant
Baby's Development at 21 Weeks Pregnancy
At 21 weeks pregnant, your baby's heartbeat is now loud enough to be heard through a simple stethoscope, but the beat can be difficult to distinguish from your own. Listen for the faster rhythm — a baby's heartbeat is 120 to 160 beats per minute, about twice as fast as your own. Many women think it sounds like galloping horses.
Your baby in the 21st week of pregnancy is already starting to sleep and wake in subtle cycles. Ultrasounds show that unborn babies may even settle into a favorite sleeping position.
Week 21 Pregnant Symptoms
Backaches, especially in the lower back, are quite common during 21st week of pregnancy. Your growing uterus is shifting your center of gravity and pulling your lower back forward. Meanwhile, the hormone relaxin is loosening every joint and ligament in your body, which will allow your pelvis to expand when it's time for delivery.
To help alleviate back pain during 21st week of pregnancy, make these adjustments in your daily routine. Whenever you sit, use a footrest to elevate your feet slightly. If you need to stand for a long period of time, put one foot on a small stool to take some pressure off your lower back. Treat yourself to a warm bath for additional relief.
Avoid spicy and greasy foods and other triggers to control your heartburn and indigestion. If the source of your discomfort is a mystery, keeping a food diary could help you figure it out.
Your uterus might occasionally feel tight as it practices for labor. Braxton Hicks at 21 weeks are totally normal as long as the contractions go away when you switch positions. Let your doctor know about any pain or contractions that don’t stop.
Your skin is stretching over your growing bump, making it drier and more irritated by the day. Lather up with a pregnancy-safe body oil or lotion to help your skin stay moisturized and hopefully less itchy. Also, if you develop a rash, let your doctor know right away, since that could be a sign of an annoying pregnancy condition called PUPPP.
Your skin gets pulled thinner as baby grows, causing tiny tears beneath the surface of your skin. Stretch marks are more common for some women simply because of family history or because of sudden weight gain. They are also more common in women who are 21 weeks pregnant with twins. There’s no way to truly get rid of stretch marks, but they should fade significantly after birth.
Tips for Week 21 Pregnancy
Water can help with 21 weeks pregnancy symptoms. As counterintuitive as it may seem, staying hydrated keeps your body from retaining water; it also helps calm those Braxton Hicks contractions and is a good way to help fend off UTIs.
Exercise may sound like a chore right now, but it’ll help with swelling and circulation. Try prenatal yoga, an easy walk or swimming if that belly is feeling extra heavy these days.
Sign up for Childbirth Classes
If you’re interested in taking childbirth classes, breastfeeding classes or infant care classes, now is the time to sign up if you haven’t yet. Classes often fill up early, so get them on the books before your final month.
Your Pregnancy Diet at 21 Weeks
Staying hydrated during pregnancy is as important as eating well. Drinking enough helps prevent common problems such as piles (haemorrhoids), constipation, and urinary infections.
And it's strange but true: drinking lots of water means your body will retain less water. So, if you feel bloated or swollen, drinking more can actually help you.
In your third trimester, dehydration can trigger premature labour.
You should have between eight and 12 glasses of water a day. You might need more in hot weather, at high altitudes, or if you're exercising.
Try sipping water throughout the day rather than drinking a lot at once. If you want some variety, you can add lime slices, mint (pudina) or a little juice for additional flavour. Keep in mind, though, that juice and sweetened drinks also provide a lot of extra calories. Try these nutritious thirst-quenchers for variety.
Don’t count in caffeinated drinks like coffee, teas and colas as part of your daily fluid intake. Caffeine drains water from your body making you pee more often. So these drinks make you lose water.
Coconut water, fresh lime water, and lassi are good options to try. If you’re out at a party, stay away from alcohol. There are usually plenty of fun mocktails you can enjoy instead.
FAQs on 21 Weeks Pregnant
1. How many kicks are normal at 21 weeks?
We have a few ways to count fetal kicks. Use an app, or use a timer to count baby kicks. Ten movements (kicks, flutters or rolls) in one hour is considered typical fetal movement. Don't panic if you don't feel 10 movements in an hour.
2. Is the baby fully developed at 21 weeks?
Yes, your baby is fully developed at 21 weeks. The growth rate is slowing down, but its organs are still maturing. Your baby's oil glands are making a waxy film, called the vernix caseosa, that covers the skin to keep it supple in the amniotic fluid.
3. Are you 6 months pregnant at 21 weeks?
No, you are considered as 5 months pregnant at 21 weeks.
Final Words
Week by week when you look at the changes of your baby it is very exciting and happy. At present, in this article, we have looked at the baby’s size, development, and Ultrasound scans at 21 weeks during pregnancy.
Hope that every piece of information in the article helps you and gives a good amount of knowledge on what is happening in your body during pregnancy.