11 Weeks Pregnancy: Baby Development, Baby Size, Symptoms and More

11 Weeks Pregnancy: Baby Development, Baby Size, Symptoms and More

Week 11 Pregnant: As you step into week 11 in pregnancy, your baby bump starts to come out slightly and you are very near to the second trimester.

And also at this stage, you start to observe that the symptoms of nausea, sickness, and many more start to fade away and get more energized.

Check On: Pregnancy Week By Week

Recommend you look into the article provided on week 11 pregnancy, Symptoms, baby size, baby development, diet plan, and many more!!!

Check out the article without skipping it!!

Baby Development & Size in 11 Weeks of Pregnancy

Congratulations on completing 10 weeks successfully and entering in 11th week!!! Baby Development has started to speed up. And now in this 11th week, your baby has grown from an olive to a fig.

And you can also feel the baby moving rapidly in your womb. As we have seen many of the organs and parts of the baby have been formed mostly and in these 11 weeks you will see that your baby's tooth buds, toes, hair follicles, and nails will be formed.

But still, there will be a suspense of your baby's gender for a few more weeks. In this stage, the baby will even close and open its mouth.

The size of the baby will be slightly one and a half inches. At this point, food cravings are common for any pregnant woman.

Baby Development & Size in 11 Weeks of Pregnancy

Learn About: 10 Weeks of Pregnancy

Early Pregnancy Symptoms At 11 Weeks Pregnancy

As the baby is growing in the womb, the weight of your body also increases and right now you may be tired. And pregnancy is different for every woman also the symptoms are different. A few symptoms you will have in these 11 weeks of pregnancy are listed below.

  • Nausea, Mood swings, and a metallic taste in the mouth
  • Heightened sense of smell
  • Also, milky white discharge from your vagina may secrete but it is normal this week
  • If you are suffering from bloating or gas, just try to avoid foods that will make you bloat.
  • Sore, tenderness, and change in breasts may occur.
  • Until the second trimester, you may suffer from fatigue.
  • You may find light spotting during pregnancy.
  • Cramping and also period pains may occur.
  • Thicker and shinier hair.
  • They might have darker skin on your face which might call a mask of pregnancy.
  • Food cravings and dislikes and likes of food.
  • You may also feel leg cramps.

Expert Tips to Follow at 11 Weeks During Pregnancy

As you have completed 11 weeks successfully, still a few more months to go, for the baby to come out into the world. Still, the risks of miscarriages have not decreased as you are still in 11 weeks.

If you want to move forward safely without any complications, these are some tips you can follow this week for a healthy baby.

  • Eat healthy food mainly dairy products like milk, curd, buttermilk, paneer, and more as you need a lot of calcium for your body.
  • And do not always sleep, just take a certain distance of walk to stretch your legs and do exercises regularly, by taking the doctor's suggestion.
  • As your immune system slows down while carrying the baby, always remember to eat clean and be clean.
  • Go to your dental doctor and make a monthly checkup for your teeth, as inflamed gums are common in pregnancy.
  • Avoid most acidic food materials to avoid heartburn and bloating.
  • Do not forget to take vitamins and eat vitamin-rich foods. Vitamins like C, E, B2, B3, and zinc may help the skin during your pregnancy.

11-Week Pregnancy Ultrasound

At this point, your midwife may suggest you come for a first-trimester scan. In this first-trimester screening, there will be a combo of tests: the Nuchal Translucency Test and a blood test.

In this scan, you can see your baby moving around and also the heartbeat sounds high. At this test, if there are any complications in pregnancy, that will come out. Blood tests will screen for high and low-level hormones.

In this test, in the case of twins, if the placenta is shared by two, then they are identical twins and if the mother has two separate placentas, then you have nonidentical twins. In this NT scan you can also know whether the baby is developing as expected or not.

11 Weeks Pregnant Ultrasound

Pregnancy Diet at 11 Weeks

When you think about pregnancy diet it varies from person to person, and you need to follow the diet based on your doctor's advice, but there are some foods that you do not in pregnancy period. Avoid such types of foods.

To decide what to eat and what not to eat, we have provided some of the foods that you can and cannot eat, as we have myths about eating foods. Check the below links to know about it.

FAQs on Week 11 Pregnancy

1. Can we feel baby movements at 11 weeks?

You may not feel the baby's movements at the stage of 11 weeks even though your baby started to move inside your womb. The fetus is very small at the moment.

2. Can you see the belly at 11 weeks?

At these 11 weeks of pregnancy, you might not see any belly at 11 weeks, actually belly can be able to seen outside from 16 to 20 weeks.

3. How big is your baby when you are at 11 weeks pregnant?

At 11 weeks, the baby's size will be about 2 ½ inches (6.35 centimeters) long from crown to rump (CRL) and weighs about half an ounce (14.17 grams).


As we talk about pregnancy week by week, we share many symptoms, scans, complications, size, formation of body parts, and many more. And in that, some of them surely happen in any pregnancy, but some of them will be different from pregnancy to pregnancy.

Important Tests during pregnancy help check the baby's growth and health, as well as the mother's well-being. 

Hope you got most of the important information about what to expect at 11 weeks of pregnancy. Still, many more articles are provided by @soumyahospitals.com. Stay tuned to the website to get all the latest updates.

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