22nd Week Pregnancy: You have crossed 21 weeks means you have completed the anatomy scan already. You might feel on top of the world. Your baby bump is growing and you might feel a little cramped. Braxton Hicks and back pains are normal at this stage. Ch…
Week 21 Pregnant: You have completed 20 weeks journey of your pregnancy and entered into 21 weeks of pregnancy. From now on, you will start to feel baby kicks and punches. You can notice improved facial features of the baby during the ultrasound. Check o…
You have reached 20 weeks already which means half of the pregnancy journey is completed. Congratulations!! Knowing about week by week in pregnancy can help you know how your baby grows, the pregnancy diet plan and many more. Now you are in 20 weeks, whi…
Are You Protected Against the "German Measles"? Discover the Crucial Rubella Immunity Test Information from our ultimate guide on tests during pregnancy. Can you imagine a simple blood test protects your health and possibly safeguard your future child fr…
The liver processes the food you eat, the liquid you drink, the air you breathe, and the beauty potions you rub on your skin and helps provide energy for your body. It identifies toxic substances, processes or eliminates them, helps in blood clotting whe…
Hepatitis B is a viral infection called HBV infection, which affects liver function and causes some complications during pregnancy. With the rising impact of this HBV infection across the globe, pregnant women should be aware of the risks of Hepatitis B,…
Week 9 Pregnant: Congratulations! You are one week closer to holding your bundle of joy. You still may not be physically pregnant to other people, but you definitely are noticing so many symptoms and signs. Most pregnant women feel exhausted because of f…
What is Hepatitis C in Pregnancy is a common question, and everyone wants to know and prevent it. If you count yourself among such people, this guide is completely for you. This ultimate pregnancy Hep C guide will provide great guidance in learning Hep C…
Week 19 Pregnant: It is the time to feel baby movements in your tummy. Your fetus is growing rapidly and all its organs are formed completely. You feel much better at 19 weeks. Staying active and doing simple exercises are suggested. The hormone relaxin …
A 4D Ultrasound Scan offers expectant parents a remarkable glimpse into their baby's world before birth. Unlike traditional 2D scans, which provide flat images, 4D technology creates real-time, moving three-dimensional images that showcase the baby’s fea…